Friday, November 11, 2011

Illinois House approves school zone speeding cameras

I found this article on WGN's website. Hopefully they will make this about safety around schools and not just about generating revenue.

SPRINGFIELD, Ill.— Chicago will be allowed to use its red-light cameras to catch speeders in school zones and near city parks.

The Illinois House of Representatives approved the speed cameras Thursday and sent the bill back to the senate for minor changes.

The school cameras will operate only on school days. Cameras near city parks would turn on one hour before the parks open, and turn off an hour after they close.

If a camera catches you driving 6 miles per hour over the speed limit, you'll get a $50 ticket; if you exceed the speed limit by 11 miles per hour or more, the ticket will rise to $100.

Governor Pat Quinn says he wants to take a look at the bill. He hasn't given any indication he might veto it.

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