Saturday, April 14, 2012

Questions cloud red-light camera issue

USA Today wrote an article about Red Light Cameras this week and in it, it states

Traffic cameras can generate enormous revenue.
Chicago, for instance, reaps more than $60 million a year from its cameras, according to Rajiv Shah, adjunct assistant professor of communications at the University of Illinois at Chicago who has studied the issue in that city.

To read the entire article, click here.

Emanuel speed camera ordinance passes City Council committee

April 11, 2012|By John Byrne and Hal Dardick | Tribune reporters

Mayor Rahm Emanuel's plan to use speed cameras to issue tickets cleared a City Council committee today.
The 7-3 vote came after criticism from aldermen led the mayor to offer up a revised ordinance governing the use of speed cameras in Chicago.
Instead of $50 fines for driving six to 10 mph above the speed limit near schools and parks, a $35 fine would be assessed under the revision, which also will include other tweaks, said Ald. Margaret Laurino, 39th, chairman of the Pedestrian and Traffic Safety Committee.