Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Report of the Inspector General's Office - Red-Light Camera Installation Audit

This is a great report that just goes to show that safety isn't the number 1 priority of these red-light cameras.  Sure they couldn't prove that revenue wasn't the main purpose, but they did prove that safety wasn't.

From the letter to City Council:

Our audit’s findings can be summarized in two simple points.
 First, CDOT was unable to substantiate its claims that the City chose to install red-light cameras at intersections with the highest angle crash rates in order to increase safety. Neither do we know, from the information provided by CDOT, why cameras in locations with no recent angle crashes have not been relocated, nor what the City’s rationale is for the continued operation of any individual camera at any individual location.
 Second, our audit uncovered little evidence that the overarching program strategy, guidelines, or appropriate metrics are being used to ensure the RLC program is being executed to the best benefit of the City or the general public. Specifically, we found a lack of basic recordkeeping and an alarming lack of analysis for an ongoing program that costs tens of millions of dollars a year and generates tens of millions more in revenue.
I'll be curious to see how the Chicago Department Of Transportation (CDOT) responds to this audit.

To read the full report, click here or copy and paste the link below into your web browser.


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