Sunday, February 12, 2012

Speed camera bill OK'd

According to today's Chicago Tribune:
Cameras set up to catch speeders near Chicago parks and schools could be in operation by July 1 after Gov. Pat Quinn signed legislation pushed by Mayor Rahm Emanuel.  The cameras could monitor zones covering nearly half of Chicago and figure to significantly boost the number of fines handed out.  The money - fines will be up to $100 - will go toward school safety and road and bridge repairs.
If this is all about children's safety, I don't understand why Rahm refuses to release all the records behind the decision.  Sounds shady to me.  Is this how you plan on bringing change to Chicago government Rahm?  Sounds like more of the same to me.

Emanuel withholds most records detailing push for speed cameras

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Quinn signs Emanuel speed cameras bill into law

I guess it is official, we are going to be getting speed cameras attached to some of our red light cameras.  I love how Quinn invokes the argument that it's for the children when it is really for the revenue.  As soon as the locations are released, I will update this blog.

Gov. Pat Quinn signed a measure into law today that allows Mayor Rahm Emanuel to start using red light cameras to fine speeding drivers as much as $100 for violations.
"I think that you've got to understand that if you save even one life, you are saving the whole world," Quinn said at a morning event at a Chicago school. "I mean, what do you say to a parent that's been there from the day their son or daughter was born, and they're killed by a speeding motorist next to their school, or their park?"